Type | Link |
GoDoc | ec2-controller/apis/v1alpha1#VPCEndpoint |
Property | Value |
Scope | Namespaced |
Kind | VPCEndpoint |
ListKind | VPCEndpointList |
Plural | vpcendpoints |
Singular | vpcendpoint |
Describes a VPC endpoint.
dnsRecordIPType: string
ipAddressType: string
policyDocument: string
privateDNSEnabled: boolean
- string
name: string
namespace: string
- string
name: string
namespace: string
serviceName: string
- string
name: string
namespace: string
- key: string
value: string
vpcEndpointType: string
vpcID: string
name: string
namespace: string
Field | Description |
dnsOptions Optional | object The DNS options for the endpoint. |
dnsOptions.dnsRecordIPType Optional | string |
ipAddressType Optional | string The IP address type for the endpoint. |
policyDocument Optional | string (Interface and gateway endpoints) A policy to attach to the endpoint that controls access to the service. The policy must be in valid JSON format. If this parameter is not specified, we attach a default policy that allows full access to the service. |
privateDNSEnabled Optional | boolean (Interface endpoint) Indicates whether to associate a private hosted zone with the specified VPC. The private hosted zone contains a record set for the default public DNS name for the service for the Region (for example, kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com), which resolves to the private IP addresses of the endpoint network interfaces in the VPC. This enables you to make requests to the default public DNS name for the service instead of the public DNS names that are automatically generated by the VPC endpoint service. To use a private hosted zone, you must set the following VPC attributes to true: enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport. Use ModifyVpcAttribute to set the VPC attributes. Default: true |
routeTableIDs Optional | array (Gateway endpoint) The route table IDs. |
routeTableIDs.[] Required | string |
routeTableRefs.[] Required | object AWSResourceReferenceWrapper provides a wrapper around *AWSResourceReference |
type to provide more user friendly syntax for references using ‘from’ field | |
Ex: | |
name: my-api || **routeTableRefs.[].from**<br/>Optional | **object**<br/>AWSResourceReference provides all the values necessary to reference another<br/>k8s resource for finding the identifier(Id/ARN/Name) |
| routeTableRefs.[].from.name
Optional | string
| routeTableRefs.[].from.namespace
Optional | string
| securityGroupIDs
Optional | array
(Interface endpoint) The IDs of the security groups to associate with the
endpoint network interfaces. If this parameter is not specified, we use the
default security group for the VPC. |
| securityGroupIDs.[]
Required | string
|| securityGroupRefs
Optional | array
| securityGroupRefs.[]
Required | object
AWSResourceReferenceWrapper provides a wrapper around *AWSResourceReference
type to provide more user friendly syntax for references using ‘from’ field
name: my-api || **securityGroupRefs.[].from**<br/>Optional | **object**<br/>AWSResourceReference provides all the values necessary to reference another<br/>k8s resource for finding the identifier(Id/ARN/Name) |
| securityGroupRefs.[].from.name
Optional | string
| securityGroupRefs.[].from.namespace
Optional | string
| serviceName
Optional | string
The name of the endpoint service. |
| subnetIDs
Optional | array
(Interface and Gateway Load Balancer endpoints) The IDs of the subnets in
which to create endpoint network interfaces. For a Gateway Load Balancer
endpoint, you can specify only one subnet. |
| subnetIDs.[]
Required | string
|| subnetRefs
Optional | array
| subnetRefs.[]
Required | object
AWSResourceReferenceWrapper provides a wrapper around *AWSResourceReference
type to provide more user friendly syntax for references using ‘from’ field
name: my-api || **subnetRefs.[].from**<br/>Optional | **object**<br/>AWSResourceReference provides all the values necessary to reference another<br/>k8s resource for finding the identifier(Id/ARN/Name) |
| subnetRefs.[].from.name
Optional | string
| subnetRefs.[].from.namespace
Optional | string
| tags
Optional | array
The tags. The value parameter is required, but if you don’t want the tag
to have a value, specify the parameter with no value, and we set the value
to an empty string. |
| tags.[]
Required | object
Describes a tag. || tags.[].key
Optional | string
| tags.[].value
Optional | string
| vpcEndpointType
Optional | string
The type of endpoint.
Default: Gateway |
| vpcID
Optional | string
The ID of the VPC. |
| vpcRef
Optional | object
AWSResourceReferenceWrapper provides a wrapper around *AWSResourceReference
type to provide more user friendly syntax for references using ‘from’ field
name: my-api |
| vpcRef.from
Optional | object
AWSResourceReference provides all the values necessary to reference another
k8s resource for finding the identifier(Id/ARN/Name) |
| vpcRef.from.name
Optional | string
| vpcRef.from.namespace
Optional | string
arn: string
ownerAccountID: string
region: string
- lastTransitionTime: string
message: string
reason: string
status: string
type: string
creationTimestamp: string
- dnsName: string
hostedZoneID: string
- groupID: string
groupName: string
code: string
message: string
- string
ownerID: string
requesterManaged: boolean
state: string
vpcEndpointID: string
Field | Description |
ackResourceMetadata Optional | object All CRs managed by ACK have a common Status.ACKResourceMetadata memberthat is used to contain resource sync state, account ownership, constructed ARN for the resource |
ackResourceMetadata.arn Optional | string ARN is the Amazon Resource Name for the resource. This is a globally-unique identifier and is set only by the ACK service controller once the controller has orchestrated the creation of the resource OR when it has verified that an “adopted” resource (a resource where the ARN annotation was set by the Kubernetes user on the CR) exists and matches the supplied CR’s Spec field values. https://github.com/aws/aws-controllers-k8s/issues/270 |
ackResourceMetadata.ownerAccountID Required | string OwnerAccountID is the AWS Account ID of the account that owns the backend AWS service API resource. |
ackResourceMetadata.region Required | string Region is the AWS region in which the resource exists or will exist. |
conditions Optional | array All CRs managed by ACK have a common Status.Conditions member thatcontains a collection of ackv1alpha1.Condition objects that describethe various terminal states of the CR and its backend AWS service API resource |
conditions.[] Required | object Condition is the common struct used by all CRDs managed by ACK service |
controllers to indicate terminal states of the CR and its backend AWS | |
service API resource | |
conditions.[].message Optional | string A human readable message indicating details about the transition. |
conditions.[].reason Optional | string The reason for the condition’s last transition. |
conditions.[].status Optional | string Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
conditions.[].type Optional | string Type is the type of the Condition |
creationTimestamp Optional | string The date and time that the endpoint was created. |
dnsEntries Optional | array (Interface endpoint) The DNS entries for the endpoint. |
dnsEntries.[] Required | object Describes a DNS entry. |
dnsEntries.[].hostedZoneID Optional | string |
groups Optional | array (Interface endpoint) Information about the security groups that are associated with the network interface. |
groups.[] Required | object Describes a security group. |
groups.[].groupName Optional | string |
lastError Optional | object The last error that occurred for endpoint. |
lastError.code Optional | string |
lastError.message Optional | string |
networkInterfaceIDs Optional | array (Interface endpoint) The network interfaces for the endpoint. |
networkInterfaceIDs.[] Required | string |
requesterManaged Optional | boolean Indicates whether the endpoint is being managed by its service. |
state Optional | string The state of the endpoint. |
vpcEndpointID Optional | string The ID of the endpoint. |