Permissions Overview

Overview of RBAC and IAM for authorization and access

There are two different Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems needed for ACK service controller authorization: Kubernetes RBAC and AWS IAM.


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Kubernetes RBAC permissions below are already handled when you install ACK service controller using Helm chart or static manifests

AWS IAM permissions are handled using the IAM role created during IRSA setup

Kubernetes RBAC governs a Kubernetes user’s ability to read or write Kubernetes resources, while AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies govern the ability of an AWS IAM role to read or write AWS resources.

These two RBAC systems to not overlap
The Kubernetes user that makes a Kubernetes API call with kubectl has no association with an IAM role. Instead, the IAM role is associated with the service account that runs the ACK service controller’s pod.

Refer to the following diagram for more details on running a Kubernetes API server with RBAC authorization mode enabled.

Authorization in ACK

You will need to configure Kubernetes RBAC and AWS IAM permissions before using ACK service controllers.

Kubernetes RBAC

Permissions required for the ACK service controller

ACK service controllers may be started in either Cluster Mode or Namespace Mode. Controllers started in Cluster Mode watch for new, updated and deleted custom resources (CRs) in all Kubernetes Namespaces. Conversely, controllers started in Namespace Mode only watch for CRs in a single Kubernetes Namespace identified by the --watch-namespace flag.

Namespace Mode

When a service controller is started in Namespace Mode, the --watch-namespace flag is supplied and the controller will only watch for custom resources (CRs) in that Kubernetes Namespace.

Controllers started in Namespace Mode require that the Kubernetes Service Account associated with the controller’s Deployment have a Role with permissions to create, update/patch, delete, read, list and watch ACK custom resources matching the associated AWS service in the specific Kubernetes Namespace identified by the --watch-namespace flag.

The installScope: namespace Helm Chart value
If you are installing an ACK service controller via the associated Helm Chart, you can simplify a Namespace Mode installation by setting the installScope value to namespace. This will cause the Helm Chart to install a namespace-scoped RoleBinding with the necessary permissions the controller needs to create, update, read, list and watch the ACK custom resources managed by the controller.

Cluster Mode

When a service controller is started in Cluster Mode, the --watch-namespace flag is not supplied and the controller will watch for ACK custom resources (CRs) across all Kubernetes Namespaces.

Controllers started in Cluster Mode require that the Kubernetes Service Account associated with the controller’s Deployment have a ClusterRole with permissions to create, update/patch, delete, read, list and watch ACK custom resources matching the associated AWS service in all Kubernetes Namespaces.

To support cross-account resource management, controllers started in Cluster Mode require that the Kubernetes Service Account associated with the controller’s Deployment have a ClusterRole with permissions to read, list and watch all Namespace objects.

Additionally, the ClusterRole will need permissions to read ConfigMap resources in a specific Kubernetes Namespace identified by the environment variable ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE, defaulting to ack-system.

Cross-account resource management requires Cluster Mode
If you plan to use an ACK service controller to manage resources across many AWS accounts (cross-account resource management, or CARM), you must start the controller in Cluster Mode.

Permission to read Secret objects

Some ACK service controllers will replace plain-text values for some resource fields with the value of Kubernetes Secret keys.

For controllers started in Namespace Mode, the Role must have permissions to read Secret objects in the Kubernetes Namespace identified by the --watch-namespace flag.

For controllers started in Cluster Mode, the ClusterRole must have permissions to read Secret resources in any Kubernetes Namespace within which ACK custom resources may be launched.

In order to support the FieldExport custom resource, all controllers will install with permissions to read and patch ConfigMap and Secret resources in any namespace. Read the documentation on FieldExport for more information about the RBAC scope.

Roles for reading and writing ACK custom resources

As part of installation, Kubernetes Role resources are automatically created. These roles contain permissions to modify the Kubernetes custom resources (CRs) that the ACK service controller is responsible for.

ACK resources are namespace-scoped
All Kubernetes CRs managed by an ACK service controller are namespace-scoped resources. There are no cluster-scoped ACK-managed CRs.

By default, the following Kubernetes Role resources are created when installing an ACK service controller:

  • ack-$SERVICE-writer: a Role used for reading and mutating namespace-scoped CRs that the ACK service controller manages.
  • ack-$SERVICE-reader: a Role used for reading namespaced-scoped CRs that the ACK service controller manages.

For example, installing the ACK service controller for AWS S3 creates the ack-s3-writer and ack-s3-reader roles, both with a GroupKind of within a specific Kubernetes Namespace.

Bind a Kubernetes user to a Kubernetes role

Once the Kubernetes Role resources have been created, you can assign a specific Kubernetes User to a particular Role with the kubectl create rolebinding command.

kubectl create rolebinding alice-ack-s3-writer --role ack-s3-writer --namespace testing --user alice
kubectl create rolebinding alice-ack-sns-reader --role ack-sns-reader --namespace production --user alice

You can check the permissions of a particular Kubernetes User with the kubectl auth can-i command.

kubectl auth can-i create buckets --namespace default

AWS IAM permissions for ACK controller

The IAM role needs the correct IAM policies for a given ACK service controller. For example, the ACK service controller for AWS S3 needs read and write permission for S3 Buckets. It is recommended that the IAM policy gives only enough access to properly manage the resources needed for a specific AWS service.

To use the recommended IAM policy for a given ACK service controller, refer to the recommended-policy-arn file in the config/iam/ folder within that service’s public repository. This document contains the AWS Resource Name (ARN) of the recommended managed policy for a specific service. For example, the recommended IAM policy ARN for AWS S3 is: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess.

Some services may need an additional inline policy. For example, the service controller may require iam:PassRole permission in order to pass an execution role that will be assumed by the AWS service. If applicable, resources for additional recommended policies will be located in the recommended-inline-policy file within the config/iam folder of a given ACK service controller’s public repository. This inline policy is applied along with the managed policies when creating the role.

If you have not yet created an IAM role, see the user documentation on how to create an IAM role for your ACK service controller.

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