
We walk you now through the setup to start contributing to the AWS Controller for Kubernetes (ACK) project. No matter if you’re contributing code or docs, follow the steps below to set up your development environment.

Issue before PR
Of course we’re happy about code drops via PRs, however, in order to give us time to plan ahead and also to avoid disappointment, consider creating an issue first and submit a PR later. This also helps us to coordinate between different contributors and should in general help keeping everyone happy.


Please ensure that you have properly installed Go.

Go version
Our repositories require a Go version of 1.19 or above for development.

Fork upstream repositories

The first step in setting up your ACK development environment is to fork the upstream ACK source code repositories to your personal Github account.

There are three common upstream repositories you should fork first:

  • is the core ACK runtime and types
  • is the ACK code generator
  • contains the testing scripts
Prefix ACK forked repos with ack-
When I fork repositories to my personal Github account, I tend to prefix the repositories with a common string for grouping purposes. For ACK source repositories that I forked from the Github Organization, I prefix those repositories with “ack-”. For example, when I forked the repository to my personal space on Github, I immediately renamed the forked repo to This makes it easier to quickly filter repositories that are forked from the Github Organization.

After forking the above common repositories, fork the upstream service controller repositories that you wish to work on or test out. The upstream service controller repositories are in the Github Organization and follow a naming schema of $SERVICE_ALIAS-controller.

So, if you wanted to work on the S3 service controller, you would fork the source repository to your personal Github space.

Ensure source code organization directories exist

Make sure in your $GOPATH/src that you have directories for the aws-controllers-k8s organization:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
Contributing to ACK core repositories
If you plan to make changes to one of the ACK core repositories e.g., code-generator , you might see errors in your IDE, such as Unresolved Type "Operation". This is because some packages, like use Go build tags which some IDEs do not enable by default. For Goland, build tag documentation can be found here.

git clone forked repositories and add upstream remote

For each of your forked repositories, you will git clone the repository into the appropriate folder in your $GOPATH. Once git clone’d, you will want to set up a Git remote called “upstream” (remember that “origin” will be pointing at your forked repository location in your personal Github space).

You can use this script to do this for you:

GITHUB_ID="your GH username"

# Set this to "" if you did NOT take my advice above in the tip about prefixing
# your personal forked ACK repository names with "ack-"

# Clone all the common ACK repositories...
COMMON="runtime code-generator test-infra"
for REPO in $COMMON; do
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    cd $REPO
    git remote add upstream$REPO
    git fetch --all

# Now clone all the service controller repositories...
# Change this to the list of services you forked service controllers for...
SERVICES="s3 sns ecr"
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git clone$GITHUB_ID/$ACK_REPO_PREFIX$SERVICE-controller $SERVICE-controller
    cd $SERVICE-controller
    git remote add upstream$SERVICE-controller
    git fetch --all

Create your local branch

Next, you create a local branch where you work on your feature or bug fix. Let’s say you want to enhance the docs, so set BRANCH_NAME=docs-improve and then:

git fetch --all && git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME upstream/main

Commit changes

Make your changes locally, commit and push using:

git commit -a -m "improves the docs a lot"

git push origin $BRANCH_NAME

With an example output:

Enumerating objects: 6, done.
Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 710 bytes | 710.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: This repository moved. Please use the new location:
remote: Create a pull request for 'docs' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      docs -> docs

Create a pull request

Finally, submit a pull request against the upstream source repository.

Use either the link that show up as in the example above or to the upstream source repository and there open the pull request as depicted below:


We monitor the GitHub repo and try to follow up with comments within a working day.

Next Steps

After getting familiar with the various ACK source code repositories, now learn how to build an ACK service controller.

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