Code Generation

In order to keep the code for all the service controllers consistent, we will use a strategy of generating the custom resource definitions and controller code stubs for new AWS services.

Options considered

To generate custom resource (definitions) and controller stub code, we investigated a number of options:

  • home-grown custom code generator
  • kudo
  • kubebuilder
  • a hybrid custom code generator + (CR)

The original AWS Service Operator used a custom-built generator that processed YAML manifests describing the AWS service and used templates to generate CRDs, the controller code itself and the Go types that represent the CRDs in memory. It’s worth noting that the CRDs and the controller code that was generated by the original ASO was very tightly coupled to CloudFormation. In fact, the CRDs for individual AWS services like S3 or RDS were thin wrappers around CloudFormation stacks that described the object being operated upon.

kudo is a platform for building Kubernetes Operators. It stores state in its own CRDs and allows users to define “plans” for a deployed application to deploy itself. We determined that kudo was not a particularly good fit for ASO for a couple reasons. First, we needed a way to generate CRDs in several API groups ( and for example) and the ACK controller code isn’t deploying an “application” that needs to have a controlled deployment plan. Instead, ACK is a collection of controllers that facilitates creation and management of various AWS service objects using Kubernetes CRD instances.

kubebuilder is the recommended upstream tool for generating CRDs and controller stub code. It is a Go binary that creates the scaffolding for CRDs and controller Go code. It has support for multiple API groups (e.g. and in a single code repository, so allows for sensible separation of code.

Our final option was to build a hybrid custom code generator that used controller-runtime under the hood but allowed us to generate controller stub code for multiple API groups and place generated code in directories that represented Go best practices. This option gives us the flexibility to generate the files and content for multiple API groups but still stay within the recommended guardrails of the upstream Kubernetes community.

Our approach

We ended up with a hybrid custom+controller-runtime, using multiple phases of code generation:

Multi-phase approach to code generation for ACK

The first code generation phase consumes model information from a canonical source of truth about an AWS service and the objects and interfaces that service exposes and generates files containing code that exposes Go types for those objects. These “type files” should be annotated with the marker and comments that will allow the core code generators and controller-gen to do its work. We will use the model files from the aws-sdk-go source repository as our source of truth and use the aws-sdk-go/private/model/api Go package to navigate that model.

This step is the ack-generate apis command.

After generating Kubernetes API type definitions for the top-level resources exposed by the AWS API, we then need to generate the “DeepCopy” interface implementations that enable those top-level resources and type definitions to be used by the Kubernetes runtime package (it defines an interface called runtime.Object that requires certain methods that copy the object and its component parts).

This step runs the controller-gen object command

Next, we generate the custom resource definition (CRD) configuration files, one for each top-level resource identified in earlier steps.

This step runs the controller-gen crd command

Next, we generate the actual implementation of the ACK controller for the target service. This step uses a set of templates and code in the pkg/model Go package to construct the service-specific resource management and linkage with the aws-sdk-go client for the service. Along with these controller implementation Go files, this step also outputs a set of Kubernetes configuration files for the Deployment and the ClusterRoleBinding of the Role created in the next step.

This step runs the ack-generate controller command

Finally, we generate the configuration file for a Kubernetes Role that the Kubernetes Pod (running in a Kubernetes Deployment) running the ACK service controller. This Role needs to have permissions to read and write CRs of the Kind that the service controller manages.

This step runs the controller-gen rbac command

Crossplane Provider Generation

We have experimental support for generating API types and controller code for AWS services to be used in Crossplane AWS Provider. To try it out, you can run the following command:

go run -tags codegen cmd/ack-generate/main.go crossplane ecr --provider-dir <directory for provider>
cd <directory for provider>
go generate ./...

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