How it Works

The idea behind AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) is to enable Kubernetes users to describe the desired state of AWS resources using the Kubernetes API and configuration language. In order to make this happen, let’s take a look under the covers and walk through how different components in the system interact.

event flow in ACK

In the diagram above, Alice is our Kubernetes user. Her application depends on the existence of an Amazon S3 Bucket named my-bucket.

Instead of creating the S3 Bucket via the AWS web console, Alice wants to only use the Kubernetes API. After all, Alice uses the Kubernetes API to describe all her application resources – a Deployment, a Service, an Ingress, etc. She’d like to use the Kubernetes API to describe all the resources her application requires, including this S3 Bucket.

So, Alice issues a call to kubectl apply, passing in a file that describes a Kubernetes custom resource describing her S3 Bucket. kubectl apply passes this file, called a Manifest, to the Kubernetes API server running in the Kubernetes controller node. (1)

The Kubernetes API server receives the Manifest describing the S3 Bucket and determines if Alice has permissions to create a custom resource (CR) of Kind, and that the custom resource is properly formatted (2).

If Alice is authorized and the CR is valid, the Kubernetes API server writes (3) the CR to its etcd data store and then responds back (4) to Alice that the CR has been created.

At this point, the ACK service controller for S3, which is running on a Kubernetes worker node within the context of a normal Kubernetes Pod, is notified (5) that a new CR of Kind has been created.

The ACK service controller for S3 then communicates (6) with the AWS S3 API, calling the S3 CreateBucket API call to create the bucket in AWS. After communicating with the S3 API, the ACK service controller then calls the Kubernetes API server to update (7) the CR’s Status with information it received from S3.

Drift Detection and Remediation

There are times where a resource that an ACK service controller is managing is modified outside of ACK, e.g. through the AWS CLI or the console. An ACK service controller will look for any drift and attempt to remediate every 10 hours (unless a different frequency is configured). As part of the remediation, an ACK service controller will reconfigure the managed resource based on the Spec.

For more information about configuring the drift remediation period, see Recovering from Drift

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